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Surf Lifesavers Get Wet 'n' Wild

This is a fun job I did a while back - a life-sized illustration through The Drawing Book for Coca-Cola, Lifesavers Australia and Wet 'n' Wild theme park in Queensland. Please scroll down to see photos of the art in the wild...

Surf Lifesavers illustration for Wet 'n' Wild and Coca-Cola

The final layout, below (please excuse the small size):

The hardest part about this project was the sheer working size. As they wanted a painterly style, I couldn't do this as vector, so I used Photoshop and worked on the file at 80cm x 80cm at print resolution! That meant that every time I hit save, I had to walk away for a coffee. I drank a lot of coffee that week!

Surf Lifesavers illustration for Wet 'n' Wild and Coca-Cola

Photo courtesy of Parkz

 Surf Lifesavers illustration for Wet 'n' Wild and Coca-Cola

The lifesavers do a great job - if you're at Wet 'n' Wild, get a pic and donate a bottle for a worthy cause.

Cheers, Anton